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Challenges with numbness and tingling can affect people of any age. Most commonly, numbness or tingling results from underlying nerve compression. Other times, blood flow is restricted to the affected area.

Paresthesia — the “pins and needles” feeling we get when our foot falls asleep — is the most common type of numbness and tingling. In isolated incidents, such as falling asleep on your arm and waking up to it numb, paresthesia is normal and transient.

However, if paresthesia occurs regularly without obvious explanation, or if it happens to last more than a few minutes, it can be a symptom of a serious underlying condition. These conditions can include disc herniation, nerve trauma, chronic inflammation, vitamin deficiency, multiple sclerosis, toxicity and more.


How Chiropractic Care Can Help Numbness and Tingling

Chiropractors specialize in making spinal adjustments to correct nerve interference. By analyzing spinal alignment and nervous system function, chiropractors can create a care plan that eliminates the root cause of numbness and tingling symptoms.

For instance, the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine describes one case of a woman in her mid-40s presenting with weakness and numbness in her pinky, ring finger, and middle finger of her right arm. An assessment was performed, determining that the woman most likely had a common condition known as “ulnar nerve compression.” After 11 adjustments and a regimen of home exercises and improved work posture habits, the woman’s symptoms resolved completely.

Many cases of numbness and tingling may be rooted in spinal subluxation, neurological imbalance that results from physical, chemical, and emotional stress. By correcting these subluxations through a scheduled care regimen, your chiropractor can address the root cause of numbness and tingling, and provide suggestions on how to avoid it in the future.

If you are currently concerned about chronic numbness or tingling sensations, book an appointment with Pine Valley Chiropractic for a nervous system assessment today.

Interested In Scheduling A Visit...

If you're looking to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Nic West, please contact the office at (260) 203-4062.

Visit us at 10330 Coldwater Rd, Fort Wayne, IN, 46825, US. Prioritize your well-being with Pine Valley Chiropractic.

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